Nemčija / Berlin / Mait11 / Oglaševanje


Državna koda: Nemčija (+49)


Welcome, to my page . I am a Woman Lover of luxury .. Girlfriend of rent ...... your ideal Company ....... Specialized in providing pleasure ... .... ABOUT ME I AM A +18GIRL WOMAN, LOVER OF THE GOOD MOMENTS OF LIFE, SIMPLE AND ALTENTICAL, NATURAL ..... WILLING TO LIVE UNIQUE EXPERIENCES WITH YOU ELEGANT AND GOOD MAN WITH LIFE, I AM A WOMAN, I am going to provide you with a stimulating , brunette, beautiful, NATURAL, sweet look, charming smile, silky hair, perfumed, soft skin and smelling ...... beautiful breasts ..... firm butt ..... agile hands ...... burning mouth ...... I will provide ..... the best sensations ..... allow yourself !!!! Available for: Elegant men, who know how to treat a woman with respect and courtesy, affectionate and who knows how to have sex gostoso ...... My care, Is Something unique, that flows without recipes, according to the moment, the person, the chemistry,available for men of good taste, men who are not afraid to give and receive pleasure .... The right touch, massages ..... a lot of movement and changing positions, Humm I love a good connection! I do not go out without financial commitment, I do not attend people under the influence of alcohol or drugs, I do not transo without a condom, I do not answer a cell during the care ...... place of care: Private and discreet, only for gentlemen discreet and with maturity, service in hotel with rate of travel ...... I receive my cash only in kind, at the beginning of our meeting, leave reserved .... My cache is a simple investment in your well-being, consult, I guarantee that it is not exorbitant before the availability of my time and total dedication to your full pleasure. Please do not try to negotiate ,I count on your understanding, thank you ...... A can send sms or phone my English is medium level and I understand a little German .....

Sir, if I have inspired your fantasies and you wish to meet me, please contact me in advance so that I can plan a pleasant date with you. Many Thanks.

I do not offer AV



zadnja posodobitev: 27.02.2025


165 cm
Obseg prsnega koša
Tip telesa
Velikost oblačil
Primerljivo področje
Barva las
Temno rjava
Barva kože


Oralni seks



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Bizarne značilnosti



Sex oglas Escort MAIT11 – Ekskluzivne erotične izkušnje v BERLIN!

MAIT11 je strasten eskort in diskretna prostitutka, ki je na voljo kratek čas v BERLIN. Nepozabni trenutki za vse, ki iščejo posebne izkušnje.

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Zainteresirani lahko neposredno kontaktirajo na +4916095742474, 016095742474, 0160-95742474. Te priložnosti ne smete zamuditi, saj je razpoložljivost v BERLIN časovno omejena.