Nemčija / Berlin / FionaGFE / Oglaševanje


Državna koda: Nemčija (+49)


33 year old Female from Berlin, Germany Dear gentlemen, My name is Fiona, living in Berlin/Germany . I am lovely, elegant glamour escort model. I have very spontaneous and adventure character, I love to enjoy my life in every way. I am very positive and open, with me is never boring. I like to select my clientele and only spend time with men that are up for the challenge, with gentlemen that appreciate beauty, intelligence, worship femininity and explore her power of seduction. Our shared experience in the bedroom can be as sophisticated and playful as you want. I love to enjoy a romantic dinner at a fine restaurant or drink a cocktail in one of the trendiest bars in Berlin with a man of the world, hopefully with you.Of course I am always very discreet and dress myself according to specific occasions. None of your friends or acquaintances will ever notice that I’m an escort lady. During our time together I will be just like your girlfriend. I must warn you, however, the men are envious look on you. As your “Girlfriend” of course I know myself to always behave properly and am moving stylish on any social stage. I am articulate, humorous and always cheerful. You will never want to miss these Girlfriend Experience! When you will be ready to experience an exclusive date at the highest level, I will be here for you ;-) Fiona


zadnja posodobitev: 04.03.2025


33 Leta
172 cm
65 kg
Obseg prsnega koša
Tip telesa
Barva las
Srednje blond


Oralni seks



Storitev za




Bizarne značilnosti



Sex oglas Escort FIONAGFE – Ekskluzivne erotične izkušnje v BERLIN!

FIONAGFE je strasten eskort in diskretna prostitutka, ki je na voljo kratek čas v BERLIN. Nepozabni trenutki za vse, ki iščejo posebne izkušnje.

Ponujene storitve vključujejo Felacijo, Spolni odnos, Položaj 69, Sex kot s punco, Izliv na telo, Storitve za pare, Poljubljanje, Poljub z jezikom, Vibrator, Erotična masaža, Bizarna domina, Uriniranje igre – popolno za senzualno bližino in nežnost, ki spominja na resnično romantiko. FIONAGFE ve, kako vsak trenutek spremeniti v posebno izkušnjo in se individualno prilagoditi potrebam gostov.

Zainteresirani lahko neposredno kontaktirajo na +4915213322892, 015213322892, 0152-13322892. Te priložnosti ne smete zamuditi, saj je razpoložljivost v BERLIN časovno omejena.